21st Century Creative Thinking, Listening and Speaking with TED Talks equips students with the 21st century skills needed to succeed. Enlightening talks given by the movers and shakers of society acclimate students' ears to important contemporary ideas, and to authentic English spoken by experts in fields ranging from social psychology to non-profit outreach.
Key features:
A discerning collection of Paper 3 question types molded to fit each talk ensures that students are assessed in a format most consistent with HKDSE Exam requirements
Detailed skill breakdowns deconstruct the nuances of natural English speech, equipping students with the listening skillset needed to gain a holistic understanding of speakers’ ideas
Developing Reading Skills sections highlight reading approaches that both support students in comprehending the challenges of each unit and prepare them for exam reading passages
Speaking corner bookending each unit spotlights the unique speaking skills utilized by each speaker, and guides students through group discussion exercises catered to Paper 4 of the HKDSE Exam
Athens Exam Skills for Papers 1 & 2 is written according to the latest HKDSE Exam specifications. It aims to empower students with theme-related content as well as exam skills necessary for the upcoming challenge.
The whole series comprises Book 1 and Book 2. Skills are arranged to reflect the latest trend in the public examination and step-by-step guidelines are provided to help students grasp skills essential for the public examination. Vocabulary and skills are arranged such that knowledge can be recycled and consolidated.
Key features:
Theme-related content to empower students to excel in the exam
Extensive coverage of HKDSE Exam skills
Step-by-step guidance on how to tackle specific question types and text types
Recycling of vocabulary and knowledge within each unit and between units
Exam Practices follow latest HKDSE Exam papers
Inclusion of eight Elective modules to hone skills for Paper 2
Athens Exam Skills for Paper 3 is written according to the latest HKDSE Exam specifications. It aims to empower students with theme-related content as well as exam skills necessary for the upcoming challenge.
The whole series comprises Book 1 and Book 2. Listening skills assessed in the latest public examinations are included. Essential techniques needed to tackle listening and integrated tasks are presented clearly and concisely. Vocabulary and skills are arranged such that knowledge can be recycled and consolidated.
Key features:
Theme-related content to empower students to excel in the exam
HKDSE Exam skills presented in manageable tasks
Mini-tasks included to perfect audio-Data File integration skills
Side-by-side presentation of tapescript and question to facilitate learning
Exam Practices follow latest HKDSE Exam papers
Inclusion of eight Elective modules to enhance language skills
Athens Anthology for the HKDSE Exam (Second Edition) is written with close reference to the English Language Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4–6) and the latest trend in the HKDSE Exam. It aims to broaden students’ knowledge in different areas in life, expand their vocabulary and boost their writing skills. Key features:
Reading passages cover a wide variety of topics
Texts arranged in 5 stages to cater to learner diversity
Explains essential reading skills for exam-style questions
Comprehension questions follow the latest formats of the HKDSE Exam
Consolidates useful vocabulary items with contextualized exercises
Highlights structural and language features of different text types
A glossary of theme-related vocabulary items extracted from each unit